Where can I find / how can I create a new HTTPD Conf

I am developing my site with a local WAMP server on my own laptop.

I recently purchased a domain and hosted my site there.

Everything works fine so far, except: there weren't a few files in the Public_Html folder on the Host server, which I thought should be the default.

(1) .htaccess

(2) php.ini

(3) httpd.conf

The first two are not a problem. I can just create new ones myself (or copy-paste the ones I'm currently using on my WAMP server)

However, the file httpd.conf

is a mystery to me.

First, I have no idea where it is. The domain hosting service I use is Linux based (not that important I think)

Second, I could of course just copy the file httpd.conf

I have on my WAMP server. But where am I going to copy it? I already copied it straight to the folder Public_Html

but didn't solve anything.

My reason for this httpd.conf

lies in the fact that, among other things, I need to change many of the settings, the most important thing MOD_REWRITE

. I need to enable MOD_REWRITE

so that I can configure the file correctly .htaccess


I searched the web and found many links to this one httpd.conf

, but nothing remotely resembling my situation.

I contacted the so called customer support at my Domain Registrar. They said (and quote): if you want to make changes to your domain config, create a file, write the config code there and save the file as: .USER.INI

and then save that file in a folder Public_Html

. "

Well this solution didn't sound to me. But I did it anyway. I copied the contents of my own file httpd.conf

into this new file .USER.INI

and saved it in a folder Public_Html


Result: still nothing.


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1 answer


* Possibly .htaccess

in the wrong place (defined httpd.conf

* Possibly .htaccess

wrong name (defined httpd.conf

* Possibly .htaccess

contains directives that are not allowed (defined httpd.conf

* http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/htaccess. html


* As with httpd.conf

, there is almost certainly a "global" copy, in which case you can only "override" certain options
* Chopy / paste from another copy elsewhere as a starting point or just build one with whatever you need need to. * http://php.net/manual/en/ini.php
* To find the location php.ini

and its configuration, create test.php as follows:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>


... then hover your browser over it.


* Your secured has a global copy that you almost certainly don't have access to and will have some controls to restrict user-configured directives in their own .conf - you need to contact your ISP for clarification

* Try to access /server-info

and /server-status

(although they are not enabled by default, so don't be surprised if you get 404s) - this will give some idea of ​​the configuration
* httpd.conf

shouldn't be in public folders
* http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/

You are best served by directing your questions to your provider.

Hope this helps.



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