Rails bunnies task only in production

I have a task defined in crons.rake

but this task only runs in production mode. how can i start this mode in dev mode?

task(:generate_mindmails => :environment) do



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2 answers

I suggest you use pearl instead whenever

. It can be adjusted more comfortably. Like this:

every 5.hours do
  runner "MyModel.my_method", :environment => :development


You can install it by adding it gem 'whenever'

to yours Gemfile

and then run it bundle install

. You should read the documentation or at least README.md

the github project.

// You can also run it in both environments:

every 5.hours do
  runner "MyModel.my_method", :environment => :development
  runner "MyModel.my_method", :environment => :production




Just install the environment before running the command:

$ RAILS_ENV=development rake generate_mindmails




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