Flush a method call from another class

My code structure:

class A {
    void methodA() {
        //some code
        B b = new B();
        response = b.methodB(arg1, arg2);
        //some code using "response"


I am testing a UNIT class and do not want to call the B () method. Is there a way to mock this method call with a custom response. I tried Mockito to mock this method like below:

B classBMock = Mockito.mock(B.class);
Mockito.when(classBMock.methodB(arg1, arg2)).thenReturn(customResponse);
A objA = new A();


When I call method A () in the above way, I don't get customResponse when methodB () is called inside A. But when I call methodB () with classBMock, I get customResponse. Anyway, I can get customResponse from methodB () when calling methodA ().


source to share

1 answer

One common way to do this is to retrieve the instantiated co-author of the method and the spy

class you want to test.

In this case, you can rewrite A

as follows:

public class A {
    public B createB() {
        return new B();

    public void methodA() {
        //some code
        B b = createB();
        response = b.methodB(arg1, arg2);
       //some code using "response"


Now your test can spy

instantiate A

you are testing and mock for B


B classBMock = Mockito.mock(B.class);
Mockito.when(classBMock.methodB(arg1, arg2)).thenReturn(customResponse);
A objA = Mockito.spy(new A());


If you can't change A

, another way might be to use PowerMock . Please note that this code snippet only shows the relevant mockery and does not display the annotations required for PowerMock to be able to manipulate your class:

B classBMock = Mockito.mock(B.class);
Mockito.when(classBMock.methodB(arg1, arg2)).thenReturn(customResponse);
A objA = new A();




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