Change Python if input is case insensitive
I am at school, and since we are quite young students, some of my "colleagues" do not understand what case sensitivity is. We are doing a quiz in Python. Here is the code:
score = 0 #this defines variable score, and sets it as zero
print("What is the capital of the UK?")
answer = input ()
if answer == "London":
print("Well done")
score = score + 1 #this increases score by one
print("Sorry the answer was London")
print("What is the capital of France?")
answer = input ()
if answer == "Paris":
print("Well done")
score = score + 1 #this increases score by one
print("Sorry the answer was Paris")
print("Your score was ",score)
They enter "london" for the answer instead of "London" and are still wrong. Any workaround?
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3 answers
You can use string1.lower () for the answer, and then you can make a variable for London instead of string1.lower ().
string1 = 'Hello' string2 = 'hello'
if string1.lower() == string2.lower():
print "The strings are the same (case insensitive)"
print "The strings are not the same (case insensitive)"
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