How to save a zip file with file name and extension in Safari 8 using jszip?

I want to save a file zip

on the client side using a library jszip


Here is my code:

function zipDownload(){
    var fileName ="",
        zip = new JSZip(),

    zip.file("hello.txt", "Hello World\n");
    data = zip.generate({type: $.isFunction(window.Blob) ? "blob" : "base64"});
    fileLoader.saveAs(fileName, "application/zip", data);


It works fine in all modern browsers except Safari 8.

Safari 8 cannot save file with file extension.

This is an example that shows this issue in action.


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1 answer

I faced the same problem. In my case, I was trying to save a file containing XML with a custom extension ( .cmf

). Safari 8 has always added an extension .xml

to mine. which results in myfile.cmf.xls

instead of myfile.cmf


The fix that worked for me was to set the server response header to

Content-Type: application/octet-stream


and Will! - the extension is not added anymore.



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