How can I make a script to restore my Grooveshark playlists now that the service has been disabled?

Grooveshark's music streaming service has been disabled without prior notice. I had a lot of playlists that I would like to restore (playlists that I have made over the years).

Is there a way to restore them? A script or something automatic would be awesome.


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2 answers

I created a script that will try to find all the playlists made by the user and load them into the output directory as CSV files. This is done in Python.

  • You should just pass your username as a parameter to the script (i.e. python "my_user_name"

    ). Your email address should also work (the one you used to sign up for Grooveshark).
  • The output directory is by default set to ./pysharkbackup_$USERNAME


Here is the script:


import os
import sys
import csv
import argparse
import requests

URI = ''

description = 'Download your Grooveshark playlists as CSV.'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = description)
parser.add_argument('USER', type=str, help='Grooveshar user name')
args = parser.parse_args()
user = args.USER

with requests.Session() as session:
    # Login as user
    data = {'method': 'login', 'params': {'username': user}}
    response =, json=data).json()
    if not response['success']:
        print('Could not login as user "%s"! (%s)' %
              (user, response['result']))

    # Get user playlists
    data = {'method': 'getplaylists'}
    response =, json=data).json()
    if not response['success']:
        print('Could not get "%s" playlists! (%s)' %
              (user, response['result']))

    # Save to CSV
    playlists = response['result']
    if not playlists:
        print('No playlists found for user %s!' % user)
    path = './pysharkbackup_%s' % user
    if not os.path.exists(path):
    for p in playlists:
        plid = p['id']
        name = p['n']
        data = {'method': 'getPlaylistSongs', 'params': {'playlistID': plid}}
        response =, json=data).json()
        if not response['success']:
            print('Could not get "%s" songs! (%s)' %
                  (name, response['result']))
        playlist = response['result']
        f = csv.writer(open(path + '/%s.csv' % name, 'w'))
        f.writerow(['Artist', 'Album', 'Name'])
        for song in playlist:
            f.writerow([song['Artist'], song['Album'], song['Name']])




You can access some information left in your browser by specifying the localStorage variable.

  • Go to
  • Open developer tools (right click -> Inspect Element)
  • Go to Resources -> LocalStorage ->
  • Look for library variables: recentListens, library and storedQueue
  • Parse these variables to extract your songs.

Can't give your playlists, but it can help get some of your collections.



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