Bootgrid refresh button independent of size

I am using bootstrap and jquery bootgrid and everything was fine. Then I started a new project and used bootgrid. And I get a weird thing: On the grid control panel, the refresh button is smaller than the others. But I haven't changed any configurations in bootgrid, everything is default.

enter image description here

Why might this be and how to fix it? These buttons are generated automatically and I have no idea ...



$(function () {
    var autoOutGrig = $("#autoOutGrig").bootgrid({
        navigation: 3,
        ajax: true,
        url: "controllers/getListFiles",
        post: function () {
            return {
                type: 'req',
                expanded: $('#exp').text()
        responseHandler: function (response)



<div id="autoOut" class="tab-pane fade in active">
    <span id="exp" style="display: none;"></span>
    <h3>Auto OUT</h3>
    <table id="autoOutGrig" class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped">
                <th data-column-id="date" class="col-md-3">/</th>
                <th data-column-id="expander" data-formatter="expander" class="col-md-1"></th>
                <th data-column-id="file" class="col-md-4"> </th>
                <th data-column-id="uid" class="col-md-4">UID</th>
                <th data-column-id="accReqId" class="col-md-2">AccountsRequestId</th>
                <!--                    <th data-column-id="respType" class="col-md-2"> </th>
                                    <th data-column-id="respName" class="col-md-2"> </th>-->


UPD: styles from chrome check.

enter image description here

UPD2: The code from the below answer doesn't work on my server. But it works fine on the snippset stack!

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

 $(function () {
      var testGrid = $("#testGrid").bootgrid({
        navigation: 3,
        ajax: true,
        url: "controllers/getListFiles",
        post: function () {
          return {
            type: 'req',
            expanded: $('#exp').text()
        responseHandler: function (response)

    <div id="autoOut" class="tab-pane fade in active">
      <span id="exp" style="display: none;"></span>
      <h3>Auto OUT</h3>
      <table id="testGrid" class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped">
            <th data-column-id="date" class="col-md-3">/</th>
            <th data-column-id="expander" data-formatter="expander" class="col-md-1"></th>
            <th data-column-id="file" class="col-md-4"> </th>
            <th data-column-id="uid" class="col-md-4">UID</th>
            <th data-column-id="accReqId" class="col-md-2">AccountsRequestId</th>

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3 answers

I would make sure you are pulling in the latest CSS libraries for your project

Everything seems to work with the code you provided:

$(function () {
  var autoOutGrig = $("#autoOutGrig").bootgrid({
    navigation: 3,
    ajax: true,
    url: "controllers/getListFiles",
    post: function () {
      return {
        type: 'req',
        expanded: $('#exp').text()
    responseHandler: function (response)

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

<div id="autoOut" class="tab-pane fade in active">
  <span id="exp" style="display: none;"></span>
  <h3>Auto OUT</h3>
  <table id="autoOutGrig" class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped">
        <th data-column-id="date" class="col-md-3">/</th>
        <th data-column-id="expander" data-formatter="expander" class="col-md-1"></th>
        <th data-column-id="file" class="col-md-4"> </th>
        <th data-column-id="uid" class="col-md-4">UID</th>
        <th data-column-id="accReqId" class="col-md-2">AccountsRequestId</th>

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There are problems with class name. You have to change class names in "jquery.bootgrid.js" file. So, You can get refresh, search and menu drop down icon.


Edit 1: Refresh button icon. Please replace this code with "jquery.bootgrid.js"

actionButton: "<button class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"button\" title=\"{{ctx.text}}\"><span class=\"icon glyphicon glyphicon-refresh\"></span></button>"



actionButton: "<button class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"button\" title=\"{{ctx.text}}\">{{ctx.content}}</button>"


Edit 2: search icon. Please replace this code with "jquery.bootgrid.js"

search: "<div class=\"{{}}\"><div class=\"input-group\"><span class=\"icon glyphicon input-group-addon glyphicon-search\"></span> <input type=\"text\" class=\"{{css.searchField}}\" placeholder=\"{{}}\" /></div></div>"



search: "<div class=\"{{}}\"><div class=\"input-group\"><span class=\"{{css.icon}} input-group-addon {{css.iconSearch}}\"></span> <input type=\"text\" class=\"{{css.searchField}}\" placeholder=\"{{}}\" /></div></div>"




Add this code to your code and hopefully it fixes the size of the refresh button.






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