Using VSPerf.exe instead of VSPerfCmd.exe

I would like to prepare several Visual Studio Profiler (VSP) reports using a batch script. On Windows 7, I used VSPerfCmd.exe as follows:

VSPerfCmd /start:sample /output:%OUTPUT_FILE% /launch:%APP% /args:"..."
VSPerfCmd /shutdown


VSPerfCmd /shutdown

waits for the application to complete execution, closes data collection, and only then is the VSP report generated. This is what I need.

I switched to Windows Server 2012 and now it VSPerfCmd

doesn't work; I need to use VSPerf

. The problem is that I cannot get the same behavior as VSPerfCmd.

In particular, the option is /shutdown

no longer available. The available options do not wait for the application to complete, but terminate or disable the process as soon as it runs. This means that I cannot use them in a batch script where I start multiple processes one after the other. Any ideas on how to get the desired behavior?


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2 answers

You don't need to manually disable vsperf. You can simply do:

vsperf /launch:YourApp.exe


And vsperf will stop automatically after your application finishes.




Has anyone found a solution? I am facing the same problem now.

The available options do not wait for the application to terminate, but stop or disconnect from the process immediately after execution. This means that I cannot use them in a batch script where I start several processes one after the other. Any ideas how to get the desired behavior?



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