Cpack preload output log

im using cpack (CMake 3.0.2) to build RPM from my sources. I have errors when creating a preset target, it says:

CPack Error:  Problem running install command: "/usr/bin/gmake"       
Please check /tmp/project/.build/_CPack_Packages/Linux
/RPM/PreinstallOutput.log for errors


So how can I write this log to stdout while cpack is running? I tried:

cpack --debug --verbose





But it did not help.


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1 answer

There seems to be no way to get this output - it is stored in a local buffer and written to the log file in case of pre-installation failure. Link to the corresponding source code for CMake 3.0.2:

  • line # 652 - local buffer
  • line # 655 - calling the build command
  • line # 660 - on failure
  • line # 668 - redirect the buffer to a file.

This also applies to CMake 3.2.3.



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