if it has
with a cl...">

JQuery: add styling for tag if exists above itself

I want .addClass("someClass"

before <blockquote>

if it has <figure>

with a class hello

above it, for example:

<figure class="hello"> world </figure>
<blockquote> Lorem </blockquote>


So, only if the tag <figure>

is right above it, not if something is separating tags like div.

Is it possible?


source to share

3 answers

Assuming this is the style of the element <blockquote>

when immediately preceded <figure>

, then you can simply use CSS:

figure + blockquote {
    border-color: red; /* or whatever */


section {
  border: 1px solid #000;
  margin: 0 0 1em 0;

blockquote {
  border: 1px solid #000;

figure + blockquote {
  border-color: #f00;

  <figure>This is a figure</figure>
  <blockquote>And this is an immediately-following blockquote.</blockquote>

  <blockquote>This is a blockquote.</blockquote>
  <figure>And this is a figure following a blockquote</figure>

  <figure>Another figure</figure>
  <div>a div</div>
  <blockquote>And this is a blockquote.</blockquote>

Run codeHide result




$('figure.hello + blockquote').addClass('someClass');


From the jQuery docs:

Next adjacent selector ("prev + next")

Selects all next elements matching "next" that immediately preceded the sibling "prev".



Can work from a known class ... the simplest



How does it work, if any selector is not found, nothing happens and will only work for a figure with the next sibling being a block comment



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