Google Dev Tools stops execution when / where no breakpoints are set

Recently my Google Dev Tools (after seemingly upgrading to v.32.0.1700.76) started [annoyingly] to stop executing the script as if a breakpoint was set (see screenshot below). In addition, it ignores "Deactivate Breakpoints" because with the script option enabled, execution is performed on these phantom breakpoints. I have no breakpoints set in any of the Dev Tools options - i.e. DOM breakpoints, XHR breakpoints, event listener breakpoints. If I close Dev Tools everything works fine. Does anyone else experience this behavior, and more importantly, know how to resolve it?

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1 answer

Chrome Dev Tools not only has the ability to set breakpoints in code or specific events, but also for exceptions.

The pause symbol indicates whether the dev tools break on all exceptions, only uncaught ones, or not break on exceptions. jQuery usually catches most exceptions, either for feature detection or other failure detection. Therefore, if the pause symbol is activated, the dev tool will stop there.

For development, I would recommend either putting the source map file, or the original source with a minified version, or using the unminified version so you can see exactly where the dev tool left off. In most cases, this will make it easier to find the problem and save you time.



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