Counting status totals

I want to update a batch when all the tasks for that batch are complete. For this I want to compare the total number of jobs and the total number of jobs completed. I am doing this with the query below, however it is a rather slow query. Any suggestions for improving this? Or alternative ways to get closer to a major update?

    COUNT(j.BatchId) OVER(PARTITION BY j.BatchID, j.JobStatusID),
    COUNT(j.BatchId) OVER(PARTITION BY j.BatchID) 
FROM [Job] j 


Pointer only to JobID (PK) Explain Plan


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1 answer


Assuming JobStatusId describes Status like this:

0 = completed
1 = running
2 = error


You can try these two queries, don't know which one is faster, just try:

SELECT  DISTINCT j.BatchId AS CompletedJobs
FROM    Job j
WHERE   NOT EXISTS( --running jobs or jobs who ran into an error
            SELECT  TOP 1 1 
            FROM    Job j2 
            WHERE   j2.BatchId = j.BatchId
                    AND j2.JobStatusId IN (1,2))


Or that:

SELECT  DISTINCT j.BatchId AS CompletedJobs
FROM    Job j
        LEFT JOIN
            --running jobs or jobs who ran into an error:
            (SELECT j2.BatchId
             FROM   Job j2
             WHERE  j2.JobStatusId IN (1,2)) j2 ON j.BatchId = j2.BatchId
WHERE   j2.BatchId IS NULL


There should be many orders in the original query (which in most cases turns out to be bad. Working on databases in recent years has shown me: an order is required only in 2% of queries, where I saw an offer "in order". Perhaps even 1% ;-)

DISTINCT, ORDER BY, COUNT OVER PARTITION, ... will never be a fast operation - if you combine them, you will see that the result is.



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