Deny permission at boot time in config config

I want to deny permission a.b

. I want to replace it param

with a different config. Like this:

val d = ConfigFactory.load(ConfigFactory.parseString(
      |param = x
      |a.b = ${param}

val a = ConfigFactory.parseString("param = 1")

val result = a.withFallback(d).resolve()


In this case it param

gets the value 1, but it a.b

remains x

I tried to install ConfigResolveOptions.defaults().setAllowUnresolved(true)

when loading config d

, but it doesn't work.

How can I overcome this?


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3 answers

Found a workaround for my problem:

So, if I have a config file application.conf

that it uses include

to include config files containing substitution syntax and files containing declaration of config values ​​to be replaced.

val a = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""param = 1""")
 val z = ConfigFactory.parseResources("application.conf") //this doesn't resolve substitutions

val result = a.withFallback(z).resolve().withFallback(ConfigFactory.load("application.conf"))




I did a bit of tinkering with the same: trying to use "backups" to override values ​​when it was designed to link / merge configurations

Assuming I understand your use case, I recommend using a file instead.

In mine application.conf

I have a default

a.b = "placeholder"


And at the bottom I have the following

# Local overrides - for development use
include "local.conf"


Finally, in local.conf

param = 1
a.b = ${param}


The end result is something that a.b

will be overridden with1



The problem is that it Config.load

allows the substitution immediately. If you choose this, it resolves how you want:

val p = ConfigFactory.parseString(
    |param = x
    |a.b = ${param}

val a = ConfigFactory.parseString("param = 1")

val result = a.withFallback(p).resolve()



Will print 1.

You don't need to use Config.load

, if you don't want to use reference.conf

, etc. If you want to use Config.load

, you should do so after you have compiled all the configs using withFallback


For example, this also prints 1:

  val p = ConfigFactory.parseString(
      |param = x
      |a.b = ${param}

  val d = ConfigFactory.load(p)
  val a = ConfigFactory.parseString("param = 1")

  val result = a.withFallback(p)
  val loaded = ConfigFactory.load(result)


Or let's say you have a application.conf

c include

that you want to use with ConfigFactory.load()

(per your comment).

If application.conf

it looks like

include "foo"


and foo.conf

looks like

a.b = ${param}


then this also prints 1:

  val a = ConfigFactory.parseString("param = 1")  

  val app = ConfigFactory.load("application", ConfigParseOptions.defaults,

  val result = a.withFallback(app).resolve



In general, if you want A to override B to override C, you should use A.withFallback(B).withFallback(C)




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