How to open a file with special characters in the name

In PHP, how can I open a file with special characters in the name?

Name looks like iPad | -5542fa5501f31.log

In another forum, I've tried:

$logid = str_replace(" ", "\x20", $_GET['logid']);
$logid = str_replace("|", "\x7C", $logid);


To massage the name, but that doesn't work for me either.

I've already tried:

$dst_file = escapeshellarg($dst_file);


And, of course, it started simply:

$logid = $_GET['logid'];


The source file was generated by a PHP script on Linux system. I am confused why a PHP script can write a filename like this, but cannot open it for reading.

Here is my current code:

$logid = str_replace(" ", "\x20", $_GET['logid']);
$logid = str_replace("|", "\x7C", $logid);
$logdate = str_replace("-", "/", $_GET['date'])."/";
$dst_file = $uploads_dir.$logdate.$logid.'.log';

// read the data from the log file
echo "<pre>\n";
if (file_exists($dst_file)) {
    $file_handle = fopen($dst_file, "r");
    while (!feof($file_handle)) {
        $line = fgets($file_handle);
        if (strlen($line) < 3) continue;
        echo $line;
} else {
    echo $dst_file." does not exist\n";
echo "</pre>\n";



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3 answers

Someone on another forum suggested using popen, so I tried this and it works:

$logid = $_GET['logid'];
$logdate = str_replace("-", "/", $_GET['date'])."/";
$dst_file = escapeshellarg($uploads_dir.$logdate.$logid.'.log');
echo "<pre>\n";
$handle = popen("cat ".$dst_file, 'r');
while(!feof($handle)) {
    $line = fgets($handle);
    if (strlen($line) > 3) {
        echo $line;
echo "</pre>\n";


The exact same code, other than using fopen / fclose (no cat), will not work.



The only thing I found was renaming the file and then opening. The problem is not with PHP functions, so I tried system commands. Nobody worked. The command will ftp RNTO

rename it. But it would be much better to filter out "special characters" when the file is saved.



I tried to open the file "2017-09-19_Comisión_Ambiental.jpg" which "ó" was giving me this error:

file_get_contents ... failed to open stream: no such file or directory in ...

So I used utf8_decode in the filename and it worked:

$data = file_get_contents( utf8_decode( $filename ) );


I know this is an old question, there is even an accepted answer, I just posted it because it might help someone.



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