Find values ​​in a list that add up to a given value

I am trying to code something simple and pythonic for defining combinations of values ​​from a list that add up to a specific value, within some tolerance.

For example:

if A=[0.4,2,3,1.4,2.6,6.3]

u is target value 5 +/- 0.5

then i want to get (2,3), (1.4,2.6), (2,2.6), (0.4,2,3), (0.4,3,1.4)

etc, if no combinations are found then function should return 0 or nothing or something like that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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2 answers

Here's a recursive approach:

# V is the target value, t is the tolerance
# A is the list of values
# B is the subset of A that is still below V-t
def combination_in_range(V, t, A, B=[]):
    for i,a in enumerate(A):
        if a > V+t:    # B+[a] is too large

        # B+[a] can still be a possible list

        if a >= V-t:   # Found a set that works
            print B

        # recursively try with a reduced V
        # and a shortened list A
        combination_in_range(V-a, t, A[i+1:], B)

        B.pop()        # drop [a] from possible list

A=[0.4, 2, 3, 1.4, 2.6, 6.3]
combination_in_range(5, 0.5, A)




Take a look at itertools.combinations

def first_attempt(A=A):
        for i in xrange(1,len(A)+1):
                print [comb 
                                for comb in list(itertools.combinations(A,i)) 
                                if 4.5 < sum(map(float, comb)) < 5.5
## -- End pasted text --

In [1861]: %timeit first_attempt
10000000 loops, best of 3: 29.4 ns per loop


Output -

In [1890]: first_attempt(A=A)
[(2, 3), (2, 2.6)]
[(0.4, 2, 3), (0.4, 2, 2.6), (0.4, 3, 1.4)]




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