Binding jQuery promises in parallel using a simple alternative to $ .when.apply

When using jQuery promises sequentially, they can be chained using then

multiple times:


promise = promise.then(someoperation());


which also works inside a loop (very handy).

I have a similar scenario where I needed to know when multiple parallel operations were completed, but don't do the encoding overhead (like added complexity) of creating a promises array for the sole purpose of calling $.when.apply

After looking at my options, I came up with this pattern as an alternative:

promise = $.when(promise, anotherpromise);


To test this, I came up with this test:

var p = $.Deferred().resolve().promise();

     p = $.when(p, delay(i,i * 500));

   log("All done");



Everything seems to be working fine, so I started applying it to another example on StackOverflow.

The next one I tried with this pattern is to fix the example from passing the $ .when () value to the lazy data array :

My code:

$("a").click(function () {
    var promise = GetSomeDeferredStuff();
    promise.then(function () {
        $("div").append("<p>All done!</p>");



Q. For some reason, this never fires the last event. Can anyone spot the problem?


Based on the comment from @Karl-André Gagnon

it seems that the initial one promise

can only be undefined and still work. Much simpler:


var p;
     p = $.when(p, delay(i,i * 500));
   log("All done");



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2 answers

Ok, it turns out that this pattern actually works pretty well, but you need to make sure that the initial promise

chaining you're attached to is already resolved:

function GetSomeDeferredStuff() {
    var promise = $.Deferred().resolve().promise();



Thus, this pattern is really a simple alternative to creating a use-only array $.when.apply


Also, as @ Karl-André Gagnon pointed out, if you start with undefined, it does the same. Better:)

function GetSomeDeferredStuff() {
    var promise;






I have a similar scenario where I need to know when multiple concurrent operations have completed but the overhead of creating an array of promises has not been met for the sole purpose of calling


not used; only $.when()

; the same pattern used when implementing via $.map()

. Also added "random" delay

to jsfiddle ajax request

; promise.then()

should not be called up until will not be completed all the challenges of parallel functions $.when()

, next

, queueName


function GetSomeDeferredStuff(elem, name, cycles) {
    var el = (elem || {}),
        queueName = (name || "q"),
        len = (cycles || 5),
        request = function () {
            return $.ajax({
                type: "POST",
                url: '/echo/html/',
                data: {
                    html: "<p>Task #" + $.now() + " complete.",
                    delay: Math.random() * 5
                success: function (data) {
    return $(el).queue(queueName, function (next) {
        return $.when(request()
                      , request()
                      , request()
                      , request()
                      , request())

$(function () {
    $("a").click(function () {
        var promise = GetSomeDeferredStuff();
        promise.then(function () {
            $("div").append("<p>All done!</p>");



When using jQuery promises sequentially, they can be chained using then multiple times ... which also works inside a loop (very convenient).

Try to use .queue()


function GetSomeDeferredStuff(elem, name, cycles) {
    // if no `elem`:`this` object passed , utilize empty object `{}`
    var el = (elem || {})
          // if no `name` passsed, utilize `String` `"q"`
        , queueName = (name || "q")
          // if no `cycles` how many functions passed to `.queue(queueName)`,
          // pass `5` functions to `.queue(queueName)`
        , len = (cycles || 5);
    return $(el).queue(queueName
    , $.map(Array(len), function (_, index) {
        return function (next) {
            return $.ajax({
                type: "POST",
                url: '/echo/html/',
                data: {
                    html: "<p>Task #" + (1 + index) + " complete.",
                    delay: (index + 1) / 2
                success: function (data) {
                    return $("div").append(data);
            // call "next" function in `queue`
       // `.dequeue(queueName)` , return `queueName` jQuery promise object,
       // when all functions in `queue(queueName)` called ; 
       // `.queue(queueName)` empty

$(function () {
    $("a").click(function () {
        var promise = GetSomeDeferredStuff();
        promise.then(function () {
            // `this`:`elem` , or `{}`
            $("div").append("<p>All done!</p>");





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