Grouping items and launch animation separately

I am trying to implement $ .groups ().

Basic idea: if I have one element that depends on another element, I will group them, and only when the other groups stop working, start the animation of this element.

I got it:

/* mini-plugin */
var groups = [];
    group: function (key, selector) {
        if (key < groups.length) {
            selector && groups[key].add(selector);
        else if (key == groups.length) {
            groups.push( $(this).add( (selector||this )) );
        groups[key] && (function(){
            while (groups[key].is(":animated"));
        return groups[key];


But it doesn't work the way I want (and I have no idea why!)

/* testing */

$.group(0, "#div2").fadeIn(3000);
$.group(0, "#div3").fadeIn(4000);


It should fadeIn on the first div in group (0), and when you're done animating, fadeIn on the second div in group (0) ...

I made an example here.

Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

jQuery already implements this for you! Pretty cool, right?

For queues of asynchronous operations like animations and ajax requests - jquery uses promises . Your code in your example in plain jQuery looks like this:

// calling `.promise` on an element returns a promise for when its animations are over
    // .then chains promises, the code here only executes after the 
    // .fadeIn(1000) on #div1 is done

    // returning a promise from a promise will wait for it when continuing
    // a chain
    return $("#div2").fadeIn(1000).promise();   
    // because of the return value, this only runs after div2 is done 
    // animating
    return $("#div3").fadeIn(1000).promise();    


Working violin

jQuery also lets you concatenate them with $.when

so you can wait for multiple values ​​at once.

But why is my code not working?

You haven't defined static $.groups

. you just put it on a prototype. So the second and third lines of use do not work. Also, you have a loop while

that will end up running indefinitely as JS is single threaded in that context.



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