ESS R code passing does not work in Emacs console mode

I am using Fedora 21 with GNU Emacs 24.5.1 and ESS version 15.03. In GUI mode, I can use C-RET to pass code from the R script I am editing the downstream R process (it runs alone if I don't already know) but it doesn't seem to work in the Mode console. Now C-RET just creates a new line in my R script. I tried this using settings emacs

and emacs-nox


I have built ESS from source instead of using the legacy version in Fedora Package Manager. Could this have anything to do with this?


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1 answer

The problem is that C-RET

it is not a valid sequence in the terminal, so it is C-

ignored and just interpreted RET

. See this answer for details . You will find some workarounds following some links, but they are not ideal. It doesn't seem like there are any ways to completely change this behavior in the terminal (but I would like to be told that I am wrong).



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