Save stack traces in node.js

I am trying to keep the call stack while handling errors arising from eg net.js.

Below is an example, but I need to preallocate an error object for each call that is not optimal.

function socketStuff(callback) {

  // ..

  var maybeError = new Error 'Socket error ';
  socket.on('error', function(error) {
    maybeError.message += error.message;


Is there a way to add the stack I get from creating an error in the context of a function to the error I get from the socket without first creating the error object?


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2 answers

You need to get the stack trace up front at the point of your call new Error()

. You don't need to create an actual Error object; you can also use the V8 stack trace API :

var stackHolder = {};
Error.captureStackTrace(stackHolder, nameOfCurrentFunction);


and now the stack is available as stackHolder.stack


V8 lazy - formats the stack, so it's not as expensive as you might think; that property stack

is a getter property that, when first run, does the formatting and then replaces the result with itself. (From the docs cited above: "For stack traces, efficiency is not formatted when captured, but on demand when a stack property is first accessed.")



Just use one of the existing long stack trace library like this



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