R: how to avoid explicit names when using a variable

I have the following code in R:


mySymbol = "^STOXX50E"
getSymbols(mySymbol, from="2004-01-01", to=Sys.Date())



which simply load the time series for the inder Eurostoxx and then plot the closing price. It works as expected. Anyway, I was wondering how I can avoid writing "STOXX50E" explicitly every time I want to refer to this variable. For example, I would like to be able to refer to a variable containing data with a common name such as "INDEX" so that I do not need to change all the calls when I want to run the code with a different inder.

For example, if I want to download and plot the closing price for the S & P500, I must do:


mySymbol = "^GSPC"
getSymbols(mySymbol, from="2004-01-01", to=Sys.Date())



so I need to change the variable name not only on the second line but also on the last one. I would prefer something more general:


mySymbol = "^GSPC"
getSymbols(mySymbol, from="2004-01-01", to=Sys.Date())



So, once I have set a name for mySymbol, I don't need to change all the rest of the code. But it doesn't work. How can i do this?


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2 answers

You can do it like this:


mySymbol = "^STOXX50E"
getSymbols(mySymbol, from="2004-01-01", to=Sys.Date())



If you want to change the title of the graph, follow these steps:

chartSeries(Cl(get(substring(mySymbol,2,nchar(mysymbol)))), name=mySymbol)


Essentially, when you use getSymbols

, the named variable STOXX50E

is stored in your global environment that contains the data. Using get

, you can access the variable name by specifying a string, ie "^ STOXX50E". Then I use substring

to escape the first character of the mySymbol variable which ^


And it works. You are essentially changing mySymbol

and the code works without having to change anything else!

enter image description here


This is probably the best way in that the code is more readable and you avoid the annoying ^



mySymbol = "STOXX50E"
getSymbols(paste('^',mySymbol,sep=''), from="2004-01-01", to=Sys.Date())



enter image description here



An alternative to the currently accepted solution is to use auto.assign=FALSE

when called getSymbols


mySymbol <- "^STOXX50E"
x <- getSymbols(mySymbol, from="2004-01-01", to=Sys.Date(), auto.assign=FALSE)
chartSeries(Cl(x), name=mySymbol)
# If you want to remove the "^" from the name:
chartSeries(Cl(x), name=sub("^","",mySymbol,fixed=TRUE))


I prefer this solution because I find the code clearer and easier to understand.



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