Watch the window or evaluate expressions while debugging in VS Code?

I really like Visual Studio Code , it's a great editor, but it really annoys me when debugging Node applications:

I don't see any viewport or ability to evaluate expressions while debugging. This makes debugging quite painful and I am considering going back to VS 2013.

I know we have windows with local and global variables, but they are a pain to browse (maybe add a search box?) And some things just don't show up in the list.

For example, using TypeScript, a class function compiles something like this:

Stack.prototype.push = function (item) {
    if (this.items.length == this.length)
        this.resize(length * 2);
    this.items[this.length++] = item;


When debugging this function, however, I have no access to the variable this

while in the function push()

. It doesn't show up in either local or global variables and I can't evaluate it anywhere.

Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution?


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1 answer

Since version 0.6.0 VS Code supports clock and as of 0.8.0 VS Code has a debug console (aka REPL).

The issue with this issue missing has been fixed.



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