Excel VBA code to reverse values

I am writing VBA code in Excel to change the values ​​of a specific column:

  • If cell C (i) is "Debit", multiply the amount in cell B (i) by -1
  • otherwise do nothing!

Below is my code, but unfortunately it doesn't work :(

    Private Sub Calc()
    For Each transType In Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C4", "C100")
    myRow = transType.Row
    oldAmount = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B" & myRow)
    If transType.Value = "D" Then
    newAmount.Value = oldAmount.Value * -1
    newAmount = oldAmount
    End If
    Cells(myRow, "B").Value = newAmount
    Next transType
    End Sub



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3 answers

Private Sub Calc()
Dim transType As Range, oldAmount as range 'important
For Each transType In Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C4", "C100")
myRow = transType.Row
If transType.Value Like "D*" Then 'if it "D" something, e.g. "D" or "Deb" or "Debit"
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B" & myRow).Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B" & myRow).Value * -1
End If
'Cells(myRow, "B").Value = newAmount 'this won't work, it asks for index, the index for column B is 2
Next transType
End Sub




It looks like there is a bit of blurring of the methods and some steps may be removed.

Private Sub Calc()
    Dim transType As Range
    With Worksheets("Sheet2")
        For Each transType In .Range("C4").Resize(97, 1)
            If Left(transType.Value, 1) = "D" Then _
                transType.Offset(0, -1) = transType.Offset(0, -1).Value * -1
        Next transType
    End With
End Sub


Try to work in a specific work area. Defining a worksheet with a With / End With clause and preprocessing all references .Cell

and .Range

with a period will give this worksheet to the parent elements. Since you are stepping through For Each

, you only need to offset one column from the left to access column B from column C. As mentioned in my comment, I don’t understand if you are using the Debit or D criteria, but this will work for both; the function is Left

simply not needed if column C only contains D ..



Directly using the ASSESSMENT

Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("D4:D100") = Evaluate("=IF(LEFT(Sheet2!C4:C100,1)=""D"",-1*(Sheet2!D4:D100),Sheet2!D4:D100)")




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