
The font is not showing when I use it in Django

I put the .ttf file and html file in the same folder. In html:

<style type="text/css">
@font-face { 
font-family: 'fontNameRegular'; 
src:local('fontName Regular'),
    url('Qarmic.ttf') format('truetype');

<h2>System Font</h2>
 <div id="ads2">

<h2>My Font</h2>
 <div id="ads">


When I open the html file separately, it works. However, when I use django to call the html file.

def view_preview(request):
    return render_to_response('preview.html')


The font will not appear. I really need help. Thank.


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2 answers

You need to put the font file in one of yours STATICFILES_DIRS

. Django will not use the font relative to your HTML file. Rather, you will want to move it around and use:

{% load staticfiles %}

<style type="text/css">
    @font-face { 
    font-family: 'fontNameRegular'; 
    src:local('fontName Regular'),
        url({% static 'path/to/Qarmic.ttf' %}) format('truetype');




I had the same problem with Django 1.8, but my problem was that the font-family name should not be in qutoes !! I really really don't know why !!! But removing the quotes solved my problem, this is how I did it and worked in the html file:

{% load staticfiles %}

      @font-face {
        font-family: Bnazanin;
        src: url("{% static 'font/Bnazanin.ttf' %}" ) format("truetype");


I used this font in such a way that I add this class, so adding this class to the tag causes it to change the font! hope this helps you!

<style type='text/css'>
    .myfont{ /* my font class */




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