Problem with composer autoloading: not loading all files

I've been building my own web application for a while now, but hit the wall completely with a fatal error in PHP.

Storytelling: I'm working on the login / user part of the project. login.php

processes the login items and student.php

processes the account stuff.

When trying to terminate, doLogin

I get a fatal error that claims to be student::getProfile()

an "undefined method". student::getProfile()

called the part validate()

within the class login


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank:)

EDIT: With the help of @deceze, I was able to narrow down the problem to the point that Composer does not autoload all of my classes; only some. Can anyone help?

EDIT 2: I checked autoload_classmap.php

which Composer generated and all my main classes and models are listed! If they are listed in the classmap, why isn't Composer loading them?

project directory

        (core items such as auth, app, view rendering + view controller)
        (speciality functions such as login, registration + user)

note: /public/index.php calls `require '../vendor/autoload.php';`



"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "": [



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1 answer

After a long tedious search, I found a bug in my paths - and it's pretty silly!

I have a named controller student

that also has a named model student

, and as such I was inadvertently trying to call a class that is technically already called . So he was looking in the first class student

for the function and not the other that actually contained that particular function.

Composer does not understand if there is already a class with the specified name that was previously declared and simply negates it without writing to the PHP error log.

To avoid this mistake - and any further combinations of class names in the future, I decided to use separate namespaces for classes core

and model

. This separates these classes into "subsections" as such, allowing classes with the same (albeit in different namespaces) to be used.

PHP Manual: Namespaces

Sitepoint: Using PHP Namespaces, Part 1: The Basics



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