Getting response from Galvanic Skin from Microsoft Band via Android SDK

I am developing an Android-Band app using the Microsoft SDK which does not mention the ability to get the GSR value (even if Band includes this sensor). Besides searching on the internet, I found an application (works on Windows Phone) that can show this value, "unlock" all "hidden" values ​​of the range sensors. Is it possible to achieve a similar result on Android devices?

WP app link:

Thank you for your consultation and sorry for my bad english. I'm new to here (although I've been hiding on this site for a very long time: P)


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2 answers

A GSR does not display SDK. You can add feature requests for future SDK releases at:



GSR support was included in the October SDK update ( ), but only for band 2

Microsoft Band SDK Release Notes

October 2015: Band SDK update for Windows Phone, Windows, iOS and Android. New opportunities:

  • Works with both Microsoft Band and Microsoft Band 2.
  • Introduces 5 new sensors for Microsoft Band 2.

According to the changelog, these "5 new sensors" are:

  • MSBSensorAltimeterData li>
  • MSBSensorAmbientLightData li>
  • MSBSensorBarometerData li>
  • MSBSensorGSRData li>
  • MSBSensorRRIntervalData li>

Here the author claims that

The following 5 new sensors are only available for Band 2. As a developer, your application will receive an error if you try to use them with Band 1.



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