Why is this Moq call from F # throwing an exception?

I believe it has something to do with using the times

on argument Verify()


open NUnit.Framework
open Moq

type IService = abstract member DoStuff : unit -> unit

let ``Why does this throw an exception?``() =
    let mockService = Mock<IService>()
    mockService.Verify(fun s -> s.DoStuff(), Times.Never())


Exception message:

System.ArgumentException: An expression of type "System.Void" cannot be used for a constructor parameter of type "Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit"


source to share

1 answer

The Moq Verify

method has many overloads, and without the F # annotation, it defaults to the expression you specify for the overload, expecting Func<IService,'TResult>

where 'TResult

is unit, which explains the runtime failure.

What you want to do is explicitly use an overload Verify

that takes Action


One option is to use the Moq.FSharp.Extensions project (available as a package on Nuget ) which, among other things, adds 2 extension methods VerifyFunc

and VerifyAction

that makes it easier to resolve F # functions for arguments Action

or Func

based on Moq C #:

open NUnit.Framework
open Moq
open Moq.FSharp.Extensions

type IService = abstract member DoStuff : unit -> unit

let ``Why does this throw an exception?``() =
   let mockService = Mock<IService>()
   mockService.VerifyAction((fun s -> s.DoStuff()), Times.Never())


Another option is to use Foq , a fake Moq library specifically for F # users (also available as a Nuget package ):

open Foq

let ``No worries`` () =
  let mock = Mock.Of<IService>()
  Mock.Verify(<@ mock.DoStuff() @>, never)




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