SQL Select Expression Substitution

I have a number of links with a length of 20 and I need to remove the 1st 12 numbers, replace with G and select the next 7 numbers

An example of the format of accepted numbers



Then I need to remove the first 12 digits and select the next 7 (not including the last)



Finally, I need to put a G in front of the number so that I stay with



My SQL looks like this:

SELECT SUBSTRING(ref, 12, 7) AS ref 
FROM mytable
WHERE ref LIKE '5012%'


The results of this will leave me with



But how do you insert G

before the number in the same SQL statement?

Many thanks


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2 answers

SELECT 'G'+SUBSTRING(ref, 12, 7) AS ref FROM mytable where ref like '5012%'




SELECT CONCAT( 'G', SUBSTRING('50125426598525412584', 13,7)) from dual;




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