Phoenix framework - invalid argument in new Socket windows

I cannot start the new phoenix app. This is the error I am getting; I do not know the reason.

I tried changing the port which didn't change the behavior. Also, it looks like I have followed node correctly.

Compiled web/views/error_view.ex
Compiled web/controllers/page_controller.ex
Compiled web/views/page_view.ex
Compiled web/views/layout_view.ex
Compiled lib/test_phoenix/endpoint.ex
Generated test_phoenix app
[info] Running TestPhoenix.Endpoint with Cowboy on port 4000 (http)

Error: EINVAL, invalid argument
  at new Socket (net.js:156:18)
  at process.stdin (node.js:664:19)
  at bindWatcherEvents (c:\Desarrollo\Phoenix\test_phoenix\node_modules\brunch\l
  at c:\******\Phoenix\test_phoenix\node_modules\brunch\lib\watch.js:667:9
  at c:\******\Phoenix\test_phoenix\node_modules\brunch\lib\watch.js:557:16
  at c:\******\Phoenix\test_phoenix\node_modules\brunch\lib\watch.js:188:12
  at c:\******\Phoenix\test_phoenix\node_modules\brunch\node_modules\async-e
  at c:\******\Phoenix\test_phoenix\node_modules\brunch\lib\watch.js:175:14
  at Object.cb [as oncomplete] (fs.js:168:19)



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1 answer

I just ran into a similar issue and I updated Node to the latest version as José Valim suggested. This posed the problem.



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