Angular Directive using '=' scope & controllerAs

I am trying to write a directive to decode and encode some information. Basically I store 5 binary chunks of information in a database using Int (giving each bit a value of 16, 8, 4, 2, 1).

I need ways to edit data: both Int and like bits. But I have a lot of problems with them and they are (intentionally) exacerbated by notation for controllers.

1) When I change Int, nothing changes in the bits. This is because the link function is only loaded once - how can I change the model update information in the directive?

<input ng-model="" type="text" />
<testdir score=""></testdir>


My Directive includes:

scope: {
  score: '='
controller: function() {
  var vm = this;
  vm.recChange = function() {
    // convert bits to score
controllerAs: 'd',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
  // convert score to bits


and a link function that converts the count to scope.recommendations

, which is an array of 5 bits.

2) When I change bits (and have controllers using $ scope) then Int changes. But I can't seem to find a way to use controllerAs - the link function uses scope

, whereas my controller needs a prefix d.


template: "<label ng-repeat='(key, recommendation) in recommendations' class='checkbox-inline'>

// template: "<label ng-repeat='(key, recommendation) in d.recommendations' class='checkbox-inline'> \





2 answers

You should use scope.score

the evaluation attribute value instead, since you are using two-way data binding =

in the scope declaration for the evaluation. Also, when changes for a specific exist, just set an observer for that value and apply your changes to it.

UPDATE . Just add your directive name to the key value of require

your directive definition and you can access your controller in your bind function as the fourth argument.


.directive('testdir', function() {
  var recommendationCategories = ['16RotM', '8Top5', '4Price', '2Cuisine', '1Area'];

  return {

    require: 'testdir',

    scope: {
      score: '='

    controller: function () {
       // .....

    controllerAs: 'd',

    link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {


      scope.$watch('score', function() {
        scope.recommendations = {};
        var score = parseInt(scope.score);
        // decode recommendations
        // convert to binary string
        var bitVal = score.toString(2);
        //pre-pad with "0"
        var e = recommendationCategories.length - bitVal.length;
        bitVal = "0".repeat(e) + bitVal;

        recommendationCategories.forEach(function (cat, idx) {
          scope.recommendations[cat] = {checked: (bitVal[idx]=="1") ? true : false};

        // add a field for closed too
        scope.recommendations.closed = {checked : (score < 0)};
    template: "<label ng-repeat='(key, recommendation) in recommendations' class='checkbox-inline'> \
                <input type='checkbox' ng-model='recommendation.checked' ng-change='d.recChange()'/>{{key}} \
      -        </label>"
    // template: "<label ng-repeat='(key, recommendation) in d.recommendations' class='checkbox-inline'> \





After your "controllerAs" value, you need to add bindToController: true



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