Run a proprietary [java] application with a custom graphics layer
We have a proprietary application in our office running on Windows without any functionality providing a custom Data Overlay. We just want to highlight some data in the dialog.
Since we cannot use any plugin mechanism, I am thinking of launching the application with a separate graphics layer on top of it, which is usually transparent, but when the dialog is open, I want to change the layer to highlight the special data.
Since this is a Java application, this can be done by decompilation, but what if it is a signed jar? Anyway, I'm more interested in a solution that is not Java specific.
Sorry to give an overview, feel free to ask for clarification / additional information!
We did it in a "slow" way. Ask the producer to change it and wait for a month.
Anyway I am still interested in solutions
IMHO, signed by a bank is not a big deal unless this proprietor verifies that signature internally. Even so, since you have a source, you can remove that check.
Another approach would be to use your own ClassLoader, intercept the classes that you want to change, and replace them with your own classes. For example, you substitute your own myJTextField for the JTextField, which exposes special data.