How to reload a page from another php file

I am trying to reload a page (index.php) from another php file (script.php) if the condition is met. I am using script.php using jquery (not sure if it is jquery but see below code) from global.js

This is how they start ...

global.js runs on button click from login.php

$('input#btnlogIn').on('click', function() {
var pword1 = $('input#user_pword').val();
var name1 = $('input#user_name').val();
if(($.trim(name1) !=='') &&($.trim(pword1) !=='' )){
$.post('ajax/login_script.php', {user_name: name1, user_pword1: pword1}, function(data) {


This is the code I am trying to execute -> login_script.php

if(count($results) > 0 && password_verify($pssword, $results['password'])){
        $loggeduser = $results['username'];

        //code to refresh index.php or a specific div inside index.php



Below $_session["uid"]=$loggeduser;

I need some code, be it javascript or whatever, that can help me reload index.php or part of a div inside index.php. I am trying to change the title menu if a member is registered.


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2 answers

you need to use in common function file

function user_logged_in(){
        return (isset($_SESSION['uid'])) ? TRUE : FALSE;


and in global.js in post () callback method redirect user .. use

window.location.href = 'index.php' // the link you want user to go to after log in


and in your index.php code use

if(user_logged_in() === true){
   // code if user already logged in
   // user not logged in 


if you don't want to use the function only in index.php use

     // code if user already logged in
       // user not logged in 


for a more detailed explanation, you cannot redirect the user from a php file which is used by $ .post () or $ .ajax () .. you are redirecting the js callback function



You can write something like "OK" in login_script.php and check jQuery:

if(data == 'OK'){
} else{
  //write error msg


Or specify what messages you want to receive from login_script.php.

More on location.reload()

JQuery: Refresh / Reload Page on Button Click



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