Create sails.js hooks with models

I want to create a sails.js hook that has its own model. How can I insert this model into the current application?

I found this: but I don't understand how it works.



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1 answer

I found an easy way to do it!

I just created symbolic links of all hook model files to the main "api / models" folder of the application!

My initialization function looks like this:

var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');

module.exports = function ToInitialize(sails) {

    return function initialize(cb) {

       // the path of the Hook model
       var modelFile = path.join(__dirname, '../models/Model.js');
       // the destination path
       var modelFileDest = path.join(sails.config.appPath, 'api/models/Model.js');

       if (!fs.existsSync(modelFileDest)) {
          // create a symlink to the api/models folder 
          fs.symlink(modelFile, modelFileDest, 'file', cb);
       } else {
          return cb();





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