Get user info in JSP?

How to get and show username, email, ip, etc. user who got below result in${pageContext.request.userPrincipal}


org.springframew @ e40cde0e: Principal: User [username = admin, , password = 1234, firstName = Olga, lastName = OZCAN, authority = [Role [name = USER_ROLE , privileges = null]], accountNonExpired = true, accountNonLocked = true, credentialsNonExpired = true, enabled = true]; Credentials: [PROTECT]; Authenticated: true; Details: org.sprin @ 2cd90: RemoteIpAddress: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 1; SessionId: B91578060B48D46CC606AF8281757727; Permissions granted: Role [name = USER_ROLE, privileges = null]


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1 answer

You have to use Spring JSP security tags.

First, declare the correct taglib:

<%@ taglib prefix="sec" uri="" %>


and then use the following code to display, for example, the current user's email.

<sec:authentication property="" />


You can replace email with any property of your main object (username, firstName, etc.).

More information on Spring JSP Security Tags can be found in the documentation:



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