For a loop inside, if the condition

print "Select the action you want to perform(A or B)"
print "(A) uppper case"
print "(B) count number of lines"

option = raw_input("Enter your option(A or B):")

if option.upper() == "A":
    for line in x:
        line = line.upper()

    print line

elif option.upper() == "B":
    for line in x:
        line = line.upper()
        count = count + 1
    print "total lines:", count

    print "incorrect option"


When the user types A , it only prints one line (last line) in uppercase instead of 250 lines.


works great.

PS I have not provided the first part of the code, which is for entering the file name to open.


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2 answers

just type your print statement as:

if option.upper() == "A":
    for line in x:
        line = line.upper()

        print line


Python plays a very important role in indentation, by deviating from the print statement (as in this code), the interpreter will consider it outside of the loop for

, and it will only be executed once after the complete loop execution for


To execute a statement print

on each iteration of the loop for

, you need to defer it inside the scope of the for loop.



the line print line

must be indented inside the loopfor line in x



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