Sorting array of objects by value with underscore.js

I'm trying to sort an array of objects using a property average

in descending order - so the very first average

is the first, but I can't use underscore.js. Below is my attempt:

var jsonData = [
    "title": "Dear Kitten",
    "totalCount": 1689,
    "average": 241
    "title": "Weird Things All Couples Fight About",
    "totalCount": 9966,
    "average": 1424
    "title": "If Disney Princesses Were Real",
    "totalCount": 16567,
    "average": 2367
    "title": "Secret Tricks With Everyday Objects",
    "totalCount": 24884,
    "average": 3555
    "title": "The Coolest Travel Hacks",
    "totalCount": 41847,
    "average": 8369
    "title": "5 Ways You're Drinking Coffee Wrong",
    "totalCount": 55673,
    "average": 7953
    "title": "The Perfect Way To Pour A Beer",
    "totalCount": 58097,
    "average": 58097
    "title": "Fruit You're Eating Wrong",
    "totalCount": 65570,
    "average": 32785
    "title": "Your Cat Is Judging You",
    "totalCount": 78952,
    "average": 11279
    "title": "3rd Date vs 30th Date",
    "totalCount": 84394,
    "average": 14066

console.log(_.sortBy(jsonData, "average"));




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1 answer

The problem is that you wanted the array to be sorted in descending order by average

, not ascending.

You can do this by providing a custom iteratee

function _.sortBy()


_.sortBy( jsonData, function( item ) { return -item.average; } )


Updated violin

But I don't recommend this. It would be much easier to just use a native JavaScript method [].sort()

and provide a comparison function to it:

jsonData.sort( function( a, b ) { return b.average - a.average; } )


Best Violin

If you were sorting a very large array, this would also be faster than using _.sortBy()

. Take a look at the source code _.sortBy()

to see why:

_.sortBy = function(obj, iteratee, context) {
  iteratee = cb(iteratee, context);
  return _.pluck(, function(value, index, list) {
    return {
      value: value,
      index: index,
      criteria: iteratee(value, index, list)
  }).sort(function(left, right) {
    var a = left.criteria;
    var b = right.criteria;
    if (a !== b) {
      if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1;
      if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1;
    return left.index - right.index;
  }), 'value');


It does quite a lot of work in addition to the call .sort()

- and this code is just the tip of the iceberg, the helper functions it calls, for example, cb()

do a lot of work.

Why is all this when it's just so easy to call it .sort()


Also, he reads this long .sortBy()

source carefully to make sure he is doing a numeric sort instead of a lexicographic sort - and the documentation is not telling !

Lexicographic sort (aka alphabetical sort) is where values ​​are sorted as strings, not numbers. So, for example, it will use this order:

[ 1424, 2367, 241, ... ]


When you call your own array .sort()

yourself, you can easily make sure that it uses a numeric sort: the value is b.average - a.average

always a number.



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