Dataframe encoding

Is there a way to encode my framework's index? I have a dataframe where the index is the name of international conferences.

df2= pd.DataFrame(index=df_conf['Conference'], columns=['Citation1991','Citation1992'])

I keep getting: KeyError: 'Leitf\xc3\xa4den der angewandten Informatik'

whenever my code refers to a foreign conference name with unknown ascii letters.

I tried:[x.encode("utf-8"), 'col1'][x.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), 'col']


Is there a way? I tried to figure out if I could code the framework myself when building it, but I can't seem to do that either.


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2 answers

If you are not using csv and want to encode your string index, this is what worked for me:

df.index = df.index.str.encode('utf-8')




The encoding setting should be processed when reading the input file using the option encoding

df = pd.read_csv('bibliography.csv', delimiter=',', encoding="utf-8")


or if the file uses BOM


df = pd.read_csv('bibliography.csv', delimiter=',', encoding="utf-8-sig")




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