Substr everything after '-' and after finding ',' in line stop and do it again, how?

I have a line that looks like this:

earth-green, random-stuff, coffee-stuff, another-tag

I'm trying to delete everything behind the "-" but when a "," or "" is found, stop and repeat the process so that the outgoing line becomes

Earth random coffee different

substr($func, 0, strrpos($func, '-'));


which removes everything after the first '-'


source to share

2 answers

The easiest way to do this is to use explode (convert string to array by splitting by character), so split by comma

then for each of the elements in that array, divide by a hyphen and take the first element.

you can then glue the elements together with implode (opposite to explosion)

this assumes there are no extraneous commas or other complications

$str = 'earth-green, random-stuff, coffee-stuff, another-tag';
$arr = explode(',', $str);
$out_arr = array();  // will put output values here

foreach ($arr as $elem) {
  $elem = trim($elem); // get rid of white space)
  $arr2 = explode('-', $elem);
  $out_arr[] = $arr2[0]; // get first element of this split, add to output array

echo implode(' ', $out_arr);




A slightly different approach using array_walk with an anonymous function to iterate over rather than foreach.

$str = 'earth-green, random-stuff, coffee-stuff, another-tag';
$arr = explode(',', $str);
array_walk($arr, function( &$value, $index ) {
    $sub = explode('-', trim($value));
    $value = $sub[0];




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