A more elegant way to create a list of 2D points in Python

I need to create a list of 2 dimensional points (x, y) in python. This will do it

l = []

for x in range (30,50,5):
    for y in range (1,10,3):


So: print l

will give out:

[(30, 1), (30, 4), (30, 7), (35, 1), (35, 4), (35, 7), (40, 1), (40, 4), (40, 7), (45, 1), (45, 4), (45, 7)]


Is there a more elegant way to do this?


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3 answers

Use itertools.product


from itertools import product
l = list(product(range(30,50,5), range(1,10,3)))


It scales better and should be faster than a generator expression, list comprehension, or explicit outlines.



l = [(x,y) for x in range(30,50,5) for y in range(1,10,3)]




You can use the expression:

>>> l = list((x, y) for x in range(30, 50, 5) for y in range(1, 10, 3))
>>> l
[(30, 1), (30, 4), (30, 7), (35, 1), (35, 4), (35, 7), (40, 1), (40, 4), (40, 7), (45, 1), (45, 4), (45, 7)]




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