Testing Ion Framework SQLite Using a Browser

I followed this tutorial .

How can I test the SQLite plugin and dbCopy s ionic serve

in a web browser?

I found this:

if(window.cordova) {
      // App syntax
      db = $cordovaSQLite.openDB("myapp.db");
    } else {
      // Ionic serve syntax
      db = window.openDatabase("myapp.db", "1.0", "My app", -1);


But this is easy for OpenDB, but not for copyDB.

My evolving environment is just a Netbook.

So, it doesn't have KVM and it is difficult to install android studio. So I want to test a web browser.


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2 answers

We recently wrote a blog post on how to conduct ionic integration tests. You can use node express to run the ionic app you are testing as it works better on ci like circleci. Try to take a look at http://www.dovetaildigital.io/blog/2015/10/28/rails-and-ionic-make-love-part-three and let me know if you have any problems with it.



You can compile your code using

>ionic build android


and then send the .apk file to your mobile.

Another option is to use genymotion .

PS: db = window.openDatabase ("myapp.db", "1.0", "My app", -1); works in a browser?



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