Get Contact Information - API Infusionsoft

I am using the Infusionsoft API to get contact details. I have an email address and with this email address I receive other data. I used

// $app->findByEmail($email, $retrunfields);
$contact_details = $app->findByEmail("", "Id");


And also I use the second method,

$contact_data = $app->dsQuery('Contact' , 1 , 0 , array('Email' => '') , array('Id'));


Both scenarios work fine, but they take longer than usual. It takes more than 15 seconds to get the result and display.

Am I making any mistake or is there another better way to do this?


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3 answers

this is most likely due to one of three factors.

  • Your Infusionsoft contacts table is huge (millions of records).
  • Your Infusionsoft app is overloaded (many users, options, requests, etc.).
  • Your application's Infusionsoft API usage is throttled.

The best thing to do is reach out to Infusionsoft support and ask them what is the reason for the slowness of your application. They can look at the size of your database, application usage and api setting, and tell you what happened.



You are making the API call correctly. I would suggest using the former if you are only looking for email.

The slowness can be caused by the Infusionsoft API or your server. I don't think the Infusionsoft API will call this as I've worked with a client before with hundreds of thousands of contacts, but it only took a few seconds to get the contact.



In such cases, it is important to eliminate as many potential sources of slowness as possible. When something in PHP takes a long time, there are many things that can cause it to be removed from your server configuration to a remote system.

Have you tried running this request from another server or from your own local computer? Try to find some common factors, isolate the problem, and see if it helps solve the problem.

Infusionsoft's performance has been very spotty in my experience. Sometimes it worked fine for months on end, but usually it doesn't. Whenever we had a problem - some code that suddenly stopped working when it was running years ago, or a process that once took less than a second suddenly slowed down to a crawl - more often than not, we could trace it to what at their end. And very often it was something that speaks of terrible QA. We had an issue this week where Saved Searches were returning completely random information, and if we didn't check the records before doing anything, we could be in serious trouble for our customers. Unfortunately, your problem does not sound so bad. You may have to thinkif the same problem occurs in different test cases, that something cannot be fixed on their part.

As far as the API is concerned, you are using an outdated legacy version. I would recommend moving away from it as it had all sorts of problems - it would work, mind you, and should still work indefinitely, leaving a few easy fixes for HTTP certificates, but its code quality is poor.

Infusionsoft has provided a replacement API that they simply call infusionsoft-php . Novak Solutions also provides a great object oriented version that vaguely calls infusionsoft-php-sdk . There is an option to use your XMLHTTP gateway,



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