Json object in php is not readable

I want to transfer username

, and password

a PHP script to check the database. On the client side, I use the following script to render json object

and post it to a php file.

var myobj = {};
myobj["usrname"]= $( "#customer option:selected" ).text();
myobj["usrpass"]= $("#psw").val();

var myjson = JSON.stringify(myobj);

method: "POST",
url: "checkpass.php",
data: myjson
.done(function( msg ) {
    alert( msg );


On the server side, when I see in firebug

, the message is sent as

Application options / x -www-form-urlencodedDo not sort {"Usrname": "XXXXXXX ...

usrname "XX"

usrpass "just do it" Source {"Usrname": "XXX", "usrpass": "JustDoIt"}

however, when I run the php script to check the request, it returns an error

$usrname = $_POST['usrname'];
$usrpass = $_POST['usrpass'];

$sql = "select count(*) from glusers where EmpName='$usrname' and EmpPass='$usrpass'";
$result = $conn->query($sql);

if($result >0){
$output = 'Success';
} else
$output = 'fail';


I have tried all the posts but cannot get this to work.

Thanks in advance.



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5 answers

Echo and cancel statement so ajax has success event

Js file

 var myobj = {};

        myobj["usrname"] = 'myUsername';

        myobj["usrpass"] = 'myPassword';

            type: "post",
            url: "url",
            dataType: "json",
            data: {post_data: myobj},
            contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
            success: function (responseData) {
            error: function (errorThrown) {


PHP Action File

           /** if we print post we will get the following array * */
//    [post_data] => Array
//        (
//            [usrname] => myUsername
//            [usrpass] => myPassword
//        )

if (isset($_Post['post_data'])) {
    $myPost = $_Post['post_data'];
    $usrname = $myPost['usrname'];
    $usrpass = $myPost['usrpass'];

    $sql = "select count(*) from glusers where EmpName='$usrname' and EmpPass='$usrpass'";
    $result = $conn->query($sql);
    $num_row = $result->num_rows;

    if ($num_row > 0) {
        $output = 'Success';
    } else {
        $output = 'fail';
    echo json_encode($output);




Try this, in your js file:

$(document).on("ready", function(){

            // Create an object using an object literal.
            var ourObj = {};

            // Create a string member called "data" and give it a string.
            // Also create an array of simple object literals for our object.
            ourObj.data = "Some Data Points";
            ourObj.arPoints = [{'x':1, 'y': 2},{'x': 2.3, 'y': 3.3},{'x': -1, 'y': -4}];

            var savedata = JSON.stringify(ourObj)
                data: {"points" : JSON.stringify(ourObj)},
               success: function(data) {
                    // Do something with data that came back. 



In PHP file:

if (isset($_POST["points"])) {
$points = json_decode($_POST["points"]);

echo "Data is: " . $points->data . "<br>";
echo "Point 1: " . $points->arPoints[0]->x . ", " . $points->arPoints[0]->y;




Try the following:

var myobj = '{
usrname:'+$( "#customer option:selected" ).text()+',



var myobj = {};
myobj.usrname= $( "#customer option:selected" ).text();
myobj.usrpass= $("#psw").val();




Use Json2 the following library,

var myobj = {};
myobj["usrname"]= $( "#customer option:selected" ).text();
myobj["usrpass"]= $("#psw").val();

var myjson = JSON2.stringify(myobj);

 method: "POST",
 url: "checkpass.php",
 data: myjson
.done(function( msg ) {
  alert( msg );




Well, actually, your php code is not valid because you are passing in a json day not name value pair so that you cannot get it from $ _POST ['username']. You need to get all the message data and decode it like that.

$ data = json_decode (file_get_contents ('php: // input'), true);

Now $ data is a dictionary array of username and password. Also sanitize your data before going to query to avoid sql injection.



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