How Realm Object Can Be Invalid Without Deletion

I am using RealmSwift in a project and from time to time I get

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'RLMException', reason: 'Object has been deleted or invalidated.'


I am not deleting any objects from my realm database, so the problem is not that the object was deleted elsewhere.

What are the other options?


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1 answer

An old thread that I know, but I just stumbled upon this issue. You will also see this error when the object is on the wrong stream:

// throw an exception if the object is invalidated or on the wrong thread
static inline void RLMVerifyAttached(__unsafe_unretained RLMObjectBase *const obj) 
    if (!obj->_row.is_attached()) {
        @throw RLMException(@"Object has been deleted or invalidated.");
    [obj->_realm verifyThread];




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