Angularjs pagination using smart table

Using angular smart table how do I get the result using the offset value. For example, I have 100 records in a database

  • I first need to get 20 records from the database and only display 10 items per page.
  • After clicking the third page, you need to query the database (service call) and get 20 more records..etc (but not the server call for the 2nd page)

I am using smart table pipe / ajax plugin to display posts.

How to achieve this.

<div class="table-container" ng-controller="pipeCtrl as mc">
            <table class="table" st-pipe="mc.callServer" st-table="mc.displayed">
                    <th st-sort="id">id</th>
                    <th st-sort-default="reverse" st-sort="name">name</th>
                    <th st-sort="age">age</th>
                    <th st-sort="saved">saved people</th>
                    <th><input st-search="id"/></th>
                    <th><input st-search="name"/></th>
                    <th><input st-search="age"/></th>
                    <th><input st-search="saved"/></th>
                <tbody ng-show="!mc.isLoading">
                <tr ng-repeat="row in mc.displayed">
                <tbody ng-show="mc.isLoading">
                    <td colspan="4" class="text-center"><div class="loading-indicator"></div>
                    <td class="text-center" st-pagination="" st-items-by-page="5" colspan="4">

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2 answers

You need to add st-safe-src="tablecollection"

as wellst-table=tablerow


<tr ng-repeat="row in tablerow">


FMI, source: Client side pagination not working on smart table



  • Set the page size to 10.

  • Maintain a service level array object (var fetchedData) for fetched rows from the server.

  • Only the server is called if the required amount of data is not available on the client side.

  • Always filter pagination data from selected data.

Something like this in your service.

    var fetchedData = [];

    function getPage(start, number, params) {

        if (fetchedData.length < (start + number)) {
            //get the next 20 rows from the server and add to fetchedData;

        var filtered = ?
            $filter('filter')(fetchedData, :
        //rest of the logic 




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