Can't change memory allocated for AVD

I installed Android Studio and tried to run the hello world app using the emulator. But I am getting the error

: WARNING: The requested 1536 MB of RAM is too large for your environment and has been reduced to 1152 MB. emulator: device fd: 596 HAX is not working and emulator is running in emulation mode. Unable to configure guest memory "pc.ram": Invalid argument emulator: The memory required by this virtual machine exceeds the driver limit.

I read on stackoverflow, the solution to this problem would be to change the memory allocated for the AVD. But when editing AVD, there is no such option for editing allocated memory. Please, help.


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2 answers

You can change the memory allocation settings as follows:

1. Launch AVD Manager:

2. Click "Change" next to the name "Virtual Appliance"

3. Select Advance Settings

AVD Settings

4. In Advance Settings it is possible to edit memory allocation

enter image description here



see this snap below-> Go to avd manager
-> Click edit optoin
-> Change memory parameters



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