Complex type of editor for publishing values

I have the following chtml

@model Licensure.Business.Survey.Survey
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

@using (Html.BeginForm()) 




I created the following editor template for complex type

@model Licensure.Business.Survey.Survey

    <div class="container">

            @for (var i = 0; i < Model.Sections.Count; i++)
               @Html.EditorFor(model => Model.Sections[i])         

            @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.SurveyId)

        <input class="btn btn-success" type="submit" value="Save Survey" /> 



Following is the way to create complex type object

   var survey = new Survey() {
                    Name = "Survey for Testing",
                    Sections = new List<Section>()

                var section = new List<Section>();

                var section1 = new Section() {
                    Name = "Section A",
                    ElementType = ElementType.Section,
                    Elements = new List<Element>(),
                    FieldAssemblyName = section.GetType().Assembly.FullName,
                    FieldClassName = section.GetType().FullName 

                var section2 = new Section()
                    Name = "Section B",
                    ElementType = ElementType.Section,
                    Elements = new List<Element>(),
                    FieldAssemblyName = section.GetType().Assembly.FullName,
                    FieldClassName = section.GetType().FullName 

                var Question1 = new QuestionYesNo() {
                    QuestionText = "Do you like apples?",
                    ElementType = ElementType.AnswerableQuestion,
                    Id = 1

                var Question2 = new QuestionYesNo()
                    QuestionText = "Do you like getting hit in the face?",
                    ElementType = ElementType.AnswerableQuestion,
                    Id = 2

                var Question3 = new QuestionMultipleSelect()
                    QuestionText = "Do you like getting hit in the face?",
                    ElementType = ElementType.AnswerableQuestion,
                    Options = new List<QuestionOption>(),
                    Answers = new List<QuestionOption>(),
                    ToolTip = new QuestionToolTip(){Text="You need more info?"},
                    Id = 3

                var Question3Options = new List<QuestionOption>();
                Question3Options.Add(new QuestionOption(){ DisplayText = "Option 1", Value = "1"});
                Question3Options.Add(new QuestionOption() { DisplayText = "Option 3", Value = "2" });
                Question3Options.Add(new QuestionOption() { DisplayText = "Option 4", Value = "3" });
                Question3Options.Add(new QuestionOption() { DisplayText = "Option 5", Value = "4" });
                Question3Options.Add(new QuestionOption() { DisplayText = "Option 5", Value = "5" });

                Question3.Options = Question3Options;



                return View(survey);

       public ActionResult Index(Survey model)
                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");


Its question display is fine, but when I try to post the values ​​for the controller, it gives null for the elements element, although I can get the section values, but null for the elements in the model

enter image description here

Can someone please help me here how can I get the posted values ​​of each item that has different types of questions in it.


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