String variable does not accept value ?? sign

I made the code with

        var blabla = "Is this my string?";



And even my console output is equal to my blabla variable, I get the result:

The expected ['Is this my string'] will be true.

without any "?" sign.

How is this possible?


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4 answers

Argument for match


Regular expression object. If obj is not a RegExp passed, it is implicitly converted to RegExp using the new RegExp (obj).

So don't pass a string to it. Pass it a regex object explicitly (since that involves much less pain, which converts strings to regex and has to deal with two levels of syntax to escape).

Regular expressions are treated ?

like a special character (in the context of your code, this means “ g

must appear 0 or 1 times.” You need to avoid question marks if you want to match them.

var blabla = /Is this my string\?/;


However, if you wanted to match an entire string, it would be easier to just do this:

var blabla = "Is this my string?";




The argument match

must be a regular expression where it ?

has special meaning. You probably meant toEqual()


expect(element(by.className('charge')).getText()).toEqual("Is this my string?");


If you want regex match, create regex object and use toMatch()


var blabla = /Is this my string\?/;


Note that protractor is expect()

"fixed" to resolve promises implicitly and you don't need to use then()




You probably misunderstood what the method does match

in JS lines:

Basically a regex will be used to return groups that match, so in this case

< ("Is this my string").match("Is this my string?");
> ["Is this my string"]


The answer is correct. What you want to do is just compare strings, just do:

< "Is this my string" === "Is this my string?";
> false


Note that this has nothing to do with the test engine you are using (which I don’t know) , but maybe a better way to do it than

expect(text === blabla).toBe(true);



expect(text, blabla).toBeEqual();


So the error message is pretty;)



The string argument supplied match()

is a regular expression, and ?

in this context means "match the previous zero or one time". What does it do in your example :-)

You can explicitly avoid the make question by writing \?

, in which case the behavior is as you expect.




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