Colmeans in dataframe using factor variable

I am trying to get the average of some variables within a dataframe for various factors. Let's say I have:

    time    geo var1    var2   var3    var4
1   1990    AT  1       7      13       19
2   1991    AT  2       8      14       20
3   1992    AT  3       9      15       21
4   1990    DE  4       10     16       22
5   1991    DE  5       11     17       23
6   1992    DE  6       12     18       24


I want too:

    time    geo var1    var2   var3    var4   m_var2   m_var3
1   1990    AT  1       7      13       19    8        14
2   1991    AT  2       8      14       20    8        14
3   1992    AT  3       9      15       21    8        14
4   1990    DE  4       10     16       22    11       17
5   1991    DE  5       11     17       23    11       17
6   1992    DE  6       12     18       24    11       17


I've tried a few things with () and lapply () but I think this goes in the direction of ddply

Dataset <- data.frame(time=rep(c(1990:1992),2),geo=c(rep("AT",3),rep("DE",3))

newvars <- c("var2","var3")
newData <- Dataset[,c("geo",newvars)]


Currently I can choose between two errors:

#where R apparently thinks AT is the variable?

#where R worries about the factor variable not being numeric?


My failed attempts got me pretty far, but then left me with a list that I couldn't get back to in the dataframe:



I think it should be possible by merge and filters, like here: Pinning in a dataframe on various variables using filters , but I can't put it together. Any help would be appreciated!


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4 answers

One option is to use data.table

. We can convert data.frame

to data.table

( setDT(df1)

), get mean

( lapply(.SD, mean)

) for the selected columns ("var2" and "var3") by specifying the column index in .SDcols

, grouped by "geo". Create new columns by assigning output ( :=

) to new column names ( paste('m', names(df1)[4:5])


setDT(df1)[, paste('m', names(df1)[4:5], sep="_") :=lapply(.SD, mean)
            ,by = geo, .SDcols=4:5]
#     time geo var1 var2 var3 var4 m_var2 m_var3
#1: 1990  AT    1    7   13   19      8     14
#2: 1991  AT    2    8   14   20      8     14
#3: 1992  AT    3    9   15   21      8     14
#4: 1990  DE    4   10   16   22     11     17
#5: 1991  DE    5   11   17   23     11     17
#6: 1992  DE    6   12   18   24     11     17


NOTE. This method is more general. We can create columns mean

even for 100s of variables without any major code changes. i.e. if we need to get mean

4: 100 columns, change .SDcols=4:100

also in paste('m', names(df1)[4:100]



df1 <- structure(list(time = c(1990L, 1991L, 1992L, 1990L, 1991L, 1992L
), geo = c("AT", "AT", "AT", "DE", "DE", "DE"), var1 = 1:6, var2 = 7:12, 
var3 = 13:18, var4 = 19:24), .Names = c("time", "geo", "var1", 
"var2", "var3", "var4"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6"))




Another method with dplyr

df1 %>% group_by(geo) %>% mutate(m_var2=mean(var2), m_var3=mean(var3))




Another simple basic R solution is just

transform(df, m_var2 = ave(var2, geo), m_var3 = ave(var3, geo))
#   time geo var1 var2 var3 var4 m_var2 m_var3
# 1 1990  AT    1    7   13   19      8     14
# 2 1991  AT    2    8   14   20      8     14
# 3 1992  AT    3    9   15   21      8     14
# 4 1990  DE    4   10   16   22     11     17
# 5 1991  DE    5   11   17   23     11     17
# 6 1992  DE    6   12   18   24     11     17


A few years later, I think a more concise approach would be to both update the actual dataset (instead of creating a new one) and work with a vector of columns (instead of manually writing them down)

vars <- paste0("var", 2:3) # Select desired cols
df[paste0("m_", vars)] <- lapply(df[vars], ave, df[["geo"]]) # Loop and update




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