How do I start an Envoy task using a tty?

I am using Laravel Envoy library for deployment. When I get to the end of the deployment, I need to change a bunch of files; for this I need to switch to the root user, because chown

and chmod

do not work as an unprivileged user.

How do I get Envoy to start a specific server with a tty to make it sudo chown ...


Here's a link to my Envoy.blade.php file.


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1 answer

I used the following code to run privileged commands through the messenger. I'll give an example of chown but add what you want after -S

@task('mytask', ['on' => 'myserver'])
    echo "{{ $password}}" | sudo -S chown 644 /myfile


And start with

envoy run mytask --password=mypass




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