Using Node `response.end` method with a promise

Suppose I have a basic HTTP server that responds to everything with "foo":

import http from 'http'

http.createServer((request, response) =>
  Promise.resolve('foo\n').then(s => response.end(s))


This works, but when I change the line .then

to a shorter version:



This does not complete the answer. I must be missing something very dumb, but I can't think of what it is.


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1 answer

The function end

must be bound to an object response

. You can explicitly do it Function.prototype.bind

like this



When you pass a function response.end

in then

, you are actually passing a function object to a function then

. The actual binding between function and object is response

broken. For example, inside a function end

, if they refer to an object response

on this

, it won't be there since we broke it. This is why we have to explicitly bind the function object to the actual object.

For example,

function Test(name) { = name;

Test.prototype.printName = function () {

var test = new Test("thefourtheye");


will print thefourtheye

. But if we do something like this

(function (func) {


it will print undefined

. Because it test.printName

is actually a function object and it will not refer to test

. So when it is called with func()

, this

internally it printName

will refer to a global object that will not have a property name

defined in it. If we link it like this:

(function (func) {



will return a new function that will actually call test.printName

with the context set as test

. This is why it works.



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