How to compile Rust for MMIX

Can Rust be compiled for the MMIX architecture?

From what I understand about the Rust compiler (which admittedly isn't very much) it uses LLVM as its backend; from a C and gcc background, I know gcc can create MMIX binaries, but I'm not sure how to get the same result from rustc.

Does anyone know how this could be done? Or pointers to where I should start looking?



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1 answer

Not a very helpful answer, but you can look at my pull request where I implemented powerpc support:

(And then follow-up when I unlock some things in libc that I messed up the first time: )

Some things have moved in the meantime, but that should give you a general idea of ​​what places you will need. It seems to me that I should mention this, although while the general approach to supporting architecture was to officially support multiple architectures but keep others in the tree, it is worth noting that especially beech arches that are prone to breakage can be a tough battle if you want official support in the core:



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